Tuesday 17 February 2009

USA Trip: Day 2- Disneyland

Today we went to Disneyland, however I stayed at my cousin's house so I went to hotel first. Everyone was having breakfast, it looked so yummy. We quickly got in the car and took off for Disneyland. Everyone was so excited because the weather was nice and everyone's mood was also good. When we reached there, we took a lot of pictures. Then we separated into two groups, one was Ertan Teacher's group and Yakup Teacher's group. I was in Ertan Teacher's group with Janet, Samantha, Sylvia, Minnie, Rick and Tony. Then we played and played and played. And then we shopped and shopped and shopped. It was so fun. Then when it was time to go, my cousin said that today I need to stay at hotel because the next day we will go to San Diego early. So he brought all my luggage and he also bought me some new cloths. In addition, he also said that I will get my I-pod touch on Thursday.I am so excited.Then we went to a friend of our teacher's house and we had dinner. He was so friendly and the food was very good too. I loved the dessert, I think it is called Sutlach. Then we gathered around the sofa and drank Turkish tea. We had a great time. Afterwards, his daughter and his wife also came. His daughter was so cute. We loved playing with her. What a great day we had. Then it was time to go to hotel. When I reached our hotel, I took a bath and directly went to bed. I was so tired.

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