Sunday 15 February 2009

USA TRIP: Day 1, Airport

Today is January 31. I am going to USA with my school. We're having an educational trip. When I got to the airport, everyone was there and also Crystal, even though she is not coming. I quickly joined them. Later on we got our boarding passes and we had a photo. We waved our parents and teachers good-bye and went in. We waited about 10 to 15 minutes until boarding and then we went on the plane. We were going to Taipei first. The plane ride was very quick, though it should be like about an hour. The plane went up, the lady gave us drinks, there was a scary turbulence, the pilot announced we're landing and then we were there, in Taipei. We got down and then we went to get our boarding pass for going to Los Angeles. The lady asked us to give our luggage sticker to her, but Samantha and Janet couldn't find their's. I went to help Janet when I saw a sticker on her back, and it was her luggage sticker. She was very happy while on the other side Samantha was looking for her sticker, I could tell she was very nervous and scared. The lady said it was ok if she couldn't find her sticker, but no one would be responsible if her luggage is lost. We quickly got our boarding pass and went to wait. Everyone was so hungry, we all went to find something to eat but every shop was closed. So Yakup teacher went to buy some cakes for us, it was really delicious. Everything is delicious when you are hungry. After eating, we went to our boarding gate. And then we went on the plane. After settling down, the plane took off and I started sleeping. We arrived at LA after 9 or 10 hours, it was 7:30 evening there. My cousin was waiting for me at the airport, we went to eat dinner at a pizza shop. The food was very yummy. And then I went to their home and slept there. Tomorrow I will go to Disneyland. I think I will have a great time there.

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