Thursday 5 March 2009

Usa Trip: Day 5 Important People,

The whole day we went to meet important people. We met the mayor of Walnut city, he was very humorous. He even sang a song from Ali Mountain. Janet introduced our school to him. When it was time to leave, he gave us his badges and his name card too. Then we went to meet a professor from a very famous university of California. He gave a speech about our lives and he told us about their school. This time it was Rick who introduced our school to him. After a photo together, we went. While going out, we met a very important man who won the noble peace price. We also had photo with him. After meeting, we went to Jet Propulsion Laboratory, it was fun. We learned about space shuttles and many other things about space. We also watched a video, it was so cool. When we were finished, we went to Turkish Cultural Center, Pacifica. A principal of Santa Monica University came to visit us. This time it was me who introduced our school. We had dinner and talked. Then it was time for us to leave for Airport. Tonight we were leaving for New Jersey. When we reached Airport, we had check in and then waited at our gates. When we went on the plane, I started sleeping and sleeping until Jew Jersey came. It was already the next day.

Monday 23 February 2009

USA TRIP: Day 4, Universal Studios

Today we went to 2 places. In the morning we went to meet Sheriff Baca and then we went to Universal Studios. When we went to meet the sheriff, we all were nervous and a bit scared, however when we met him, he was very nice and friendly. He also came to Kaohsiung before. We had a picture with him and gave him some gifts and then we went to Universal Studios. When we reached there, we took a lot of pictures with the cartoons and people over there. It was so exciting. On the way we also bought some souvenirs. We also went to many roller coasters. The Mummy one was the best, we sat on it 2 or 3 times. When it was evening, we went to eat dinner. After dinner, we went to our hotel. At hotel, we needed to pack our things because tomorrow evening were going to New Jersey.

Thursday 19 February 2009

USA TRIP: Day 3, Sea World

Today we went to Sea World in San Diego. At first I didn't know that were going to Sea World, I thought that we would just go to the city San Diego and look around. However I was wrong and we came to Sea World. My first sight was the roller coaster out there. It looked so fun and we all became very excited. When we went in, there was a penguin and we thought of taking a photo with her, it turned out so good. Then we went to watch the Dolphin Show. It was so amazing. Then we went to watch another show. And then we went to the roller coaster I was talking about, The Journey to Atlantis. I wasn't just a roller coaster, it was a boat-slide-down-and-getting-wet roller coaster. I was so scared and didn't go on it at first, then I thought it was very fun and went to it. When it started to go up, I felt like screaming, however no use because we were just about to come down. When we finished it, we all were very wet, however we wanted to sit again and sat for 3 times. It was so fun. And then we went to watch the rest of the shows and after eating lunch, we went to Shipwreck Rapids, it was also very fun. There was a round boat and 9 people sit in there. Then the rapids start and the boat starts to go around and around, and who ever sits in the corner, gets very wet. Janet go wet all the time, however I only got wet once because the second and third time I sat in the middle. We had a lot of fun. Then we went to shark encounter and looked at sharks. Then we it was time to go eat dinner. This time we went to eat at a Turkish Cultural Center called Pacifica. The food was great. And then as usual we went to hotel and slept. We will go to meet Sheriff Baca and go to Universal Studious tomorrow. I am so excited.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

USA Trip: Day 2- Disneyland

Today we went to Disneyland, however I stayed at my cousin's house so I went to hotel first. Everyone was having breakfast, it looked so yummy. We quickly got in the car and took off for Disneyland. Everyone was so excited because the weather was nice and everyone's mood was also good. When we reached there, we took a lot of pictures. Then we separated into two groups, one was Ertan Teacher's group and Yakup Teacher's group. I was in Ertan Teacher's group with Janet, Samantha, Sylvia, Minnie, Rick and Tony. Then we played and played and played. And then we shopped and shopped and shopped. It was so fun. Then when it was time to go, my cousin said that today I need to stay at hotel because the next day we will go to San Diego early. So he brought all my luggage and he also bought me some new cloths. In addition, he also said that I will get my I-pod touch on Thursday.I am so excited.Then we went to a friend of our teacher's house and we had dinner. He was so friendly and the food was very good too. I loved the dessert, I think it is called Sutlach. Then we gathered around the sofa and drank Turkish tea. We had a great time. Afterwards, his daughter and his wife also came. His daughter was so cute. We loved playing with her. What a great day we had. Then it was time to go to hotel. When I reached our hotel, I took a bath and directly went to bed. I was so tired.

Sunday 15 February 2009

USA TRIP: Day 1, Airport

Today is January 31. I am going to USA with my school. We're having an educational trip. When I got to the airport, everyone was there and also Crystal, even though she is not coming. I quickly joined them. Later on we got our boarding passes and we had a photo. We waved our parents and teachers good-bye and went in. We waited about 10 to 15 minutes until boarding and then we went on the plane. We were going to Taipei first. The plane ride was very quick, though it should be like about an hour. The plane went up, the lady gave us drinks, there was a scary turbulence, the pilot announced we're landing and then we were there, in Taipei. We got down and then we went to get our boarding pass for going to Los Angeles. The lady asked us to give our luggage sticker to her, but Samantha and Janet couldn't find their's. I went to help Janet when I saw a sticker on her back, and it was her luggage sticker. She was very happy while on the other side Samantha was looking for her sticker, I could tell she was very nervous and scared. The lady said it was ok if she couldn't find her sticker, but no one would be responsible if her luggage is lost. We quickly got our boarding pass and went to wait. Everyone was so hungry, we all went to find something to eat but every shop was closed. So Yakup teacher went to buy some cakes for us, it was really delicious. Everything is delicious when you are hungry. After eating, we went to our boarding gate. And then we went on the plane. After settling down, the plane took off and I started sleeping. We arrived at LA after 9 or 10 hours, it was 7:30 evening there. My cousin was waiting for me at the airport, we went to eat dinner at a pizza shop. The food was very yummy. And then I went to their home and slept there. Tomorrow I will go to Disneyland. I think I will have a great time there.